About: edmund

Recent Posts by edmund

Things to Prepare Before Starting Your Prop Trading Journey

Preparing Your Prop Trading Journey with VFTradings Embarking on a prop trading journey is an exciting opportunity to grow as a trader and build a rewarding career. However, success in proprietary trading doesn’t come without preparation. To help you hit the ground running, we’ve put together a guide on the key steps and skills you’llContinue Reading

Explore What is Prop Trading and How Does It Work?

How Does Prop Trading Work? Proprietary trading, often known as prop trading, is an exciting and dynamic part of the financial world. At its core, prop trading is when firms trade financial assets using their own money instead of managing investments for clients. This means the firm itself takes on both the risks and rewardsContinue Reading

Explore What is VFTradings and How Does It Work?

VFTradings: Prop Trading and The Mechanics VFTradings is a prop trading firm that provides traders with an opportunity to trade the financial markets using the firm’s capital. This means you can trade without risking your own money, which is a huge relief for many aspiring traders. In return, VFTradings takes a small portion of theContinue Reading

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